Wednesday, April 23, 2014

2014 Funk Bottoms 100K\200K Route

Below is a preview for the Funk Bottoms 2014 route, a cue sheet will be posted closer to the race. The 100k racers will do 1 lap the 200K racers will do 2 laps, be sure to bring your climbing legs.
Yuengling for the winners
D. G. Yuengling & Son is the oldest operating brewery  in the US established in 1829 will be providing a case of beer to the winners.

The 2014 Funk 100\200 will still start at 8:00am on Saturday June 28th.   Google maps directions can be found here

To enter send a postcard with your name, hometown, email address, and category (see below) for the event to:

Funk Bottoms Gravel
8609 SR-176
BVH, OH 44147-1907

Funk 100
Open  Men
Open Women

Funk 200
Open Men
Open Women

Route information can be found
0.9Slight L to stay on Co Rd 1001
1.1Sharp R on TWP Rd 5082.1
2.7 R on TWP Rd 4734.8
0.2 L on TWP Rd 4785
1.6 R on OH-514 S6.5
0.1 L on TWP Rd 5036.7
0.9 R on TWP Rd 5017.6
1.8 L on TWP Rd 2179.4
0.5 R on TWP Rd 2189.8
1 R on Co Rd 28010.8
0.5 L on TWP Rd 22111.3
3.3Cont on TWP Rd 25114.6
0.8Cont on TWP Rd 3615.4
0.1 R on TWP Rd 25215.5
1.9 R on TWP Rd 5517.3
2.3 R on TWP Rd 5419.6
0.6 R on OH-520 W20.3
1.5 L on TWP Rd 3121.8
0.8 R on Co Hwy 622.6
1.7 R on TWP Rd 2924.2
2.1Sharp L on Co Rd 2526.4
2.1R  on Co Hwy 628.4
0Cont on Co Rd 2528.4
1.7Cont on TWP Rd 1330.2
 L on Co 5 for 100 yards31.2
1.1 R on Holmes County Trail31.3
4.8 L on Clifton St36.1
0.1 L on Galatian St36.2
0.1 L on OH-520 W/Main St36.3
0.4 L on TWP Rd 1436.7
2.8 R on TWP Rd 3239.5
0.5 R on Co Hwy 7540.1
0.2 L on TWP Rd 1740.3
1.8 R on Co Rd 77/Brinkhaven Rd42.1
1.3 R on OH-514 N/Nashville Rd43.4
0.5 R on Heaton43.9
0.7Cont on TWP Rd 1544.5
0.7 L on TWP Rd 1645.2
1.3Slight R on OH-520 E46.6
0.6 L on TWP Rd 2047.2
0.9 L on TWP Rd 22548.1
1 R on Co Rd 5049.1
1.1 L on Co Rd 5250.2
2 L on TWP Rd 22452.2
1.6 R on Co Rd 5053.8
1.1 L on TWP Rd 21354.9
0.3 L on TWP Rd 22855.2
1.2 R on Co Hwy 2256.4
0.7 R to stay on Co Hwy 2257.1
0.6 R toward TWP Rd 21357.7
0.1 R on TWP Rd 21357.8
0.9 L on TWP Rd 46658.7
0.1 L on TWP Rd 21258.9
1 R to stay on TWP Rd 21259.8
0.3 R on TWP Rd 21160.1
1 L on TWP Rd 46661.2
4 L on OH-179 N65.1