Thursday, May 7, 2015

2015 Funk Bottoms Gravel Course

The 5th edition of the Funk Bottoms Gravel will take place on June 27th at 8:00 am in Lakeville, OH.

To enter send a postcard with your name, hometown, email address, and category (see below) for the event to:

Funk Bottoms Gravel
150 Bellus Rd
Hinckley, OH 44233

Funk 100
Open  Men
Open Women

Funk 200
Open Men
Open Women

Since there are people who don't understand how to mail a postcard. …

The Funk 100/200 is a self supported event you must be prepared for any mechanical or nutrition needs. No outside support is allowed. There will be a store around mile 20 in Killbuck to purchase food and water and a park at approximately mile 50 in Glenmont that will have water. The course will NOT be marked, and open to normal vehicle traffic. Expect to encounter cars, trucks, horses, farm equipment and ATV's along the course at any time. Any racer doing the 200K race starting the second lap after 7 hours must have lights with them. A cue sheet will be distributed prior to the event. All riders are required to have a cyclocomputer that can track mileage - Yes, we will verify that you completed the entire distance at the end.

Questions, comments, concerns? Post here or send me an email

This year's route  information can be found:

For you Strava geeks: 

There has been an attempt this year to mark the turns with blue survey tape.  Always use the cue sheet.

Twp 508

Twp 473

Twp 501

Twp 217

Twp 64

Twp 79 & 84

Twp 84

Twp 324

Twp 326

Natural spring in Glenmont

Twp 20

Twp 225

0.9Slight L  on Co Rd 1001
1.1Sharp R on TWP Hwy 5082.1
2.7R on TWP Rd 4734.8
0.2L on TWP Rd 4785
1.6R on OH-514 S6.5
0.1L on TWP Hwy 5036.7
0.9R on TWP Hwy 5017.6
1.8L on TWP Hwy 2179.4
0.5R on TWP Hwy 2189.8
1R on Co Rd 28010.8
0.5 Lon TWP Hwy 22111.3
3.3Continue on TWP Hwy 25114.6
0.8Continue on TWP Hwy 3615.4
0.1R on TWP Hwy 25215.5
1.9R on TWP Hwy 5517.3
2.2L on TWP Hwy 5419.6
1.1R on TWP Hwy 6420.8
0.8L on OH-52021.5
1L on Co Rd 62122.5
0.3R on S Water St22.8
0.1L on Grover St22.9
0.2Continue  Co 35/S Railroad 23.1
2.5R on TWP Hwy 8625.6
1.3R on TWP Hwy 7926.9
0.1Slight Lon TWP Rd 8427
0.8Continue on TWP Hwy 8427.9
0Slight Lon TWP Hwy 8127.9
1.4R on TWP Rd 8529.3
0.2Continue on TWP Rd 12929.5
0.7R on Co Rd 1930.2
1.5L on State Rte 60 S31.7
0.3R on TWP Rd 49032
0.1L on Co Rd 1932.1
0.3R on TWP Rd 32432.6
1.4R on Co Rd 32334
0.1L on TWP Hwy 32434.2
0.1Continue  Twp Rd 32434.3
1.3Continue  TWP Rd 32435.6
0.7L on TWP Rd 32636.3
1.8R on Co Rd 1938.1
0.3R on TWP Rd 1938.4
0.1Slight R on TWP Rd 2238.4
1.7L  TWP 130/TWP  32440.1
0.6L on TWP Rd 13040.7
2R on Co Rd 13242.7
1.3Continue on Co Hwy 2744.1
0.4R on US-62 E44.5
1.6L on TWP Hwy 3446.1
1.2R on Co Hwy 648.3
0.2L on TWP Hwy 2948.5
2.1Slight R on Co Hwy 2550.6
0.3L on OH-520 W/Main 50.9
0.3Slight R on TWP Hwy 2051.2
1.5L stay on TWP Hwy 2052.6
0.4 R on TWP Hwy 22553
1L on Co Hwy 5054
2.1L on TWP Rd 21356.1
0.6R on TWP Hwy 46656.7
0.1L on TWP Hwy 21256.8
1R  stay  TWP Hwy 21257.8
0.3R on TWP Rd 21158.1
1L on TWP Hwy 46659.1
4L on OH-179 N63.1